+ 1-800-425-5405
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  • Rhinowares Rhino Coffee Gear Shot Glass - 80 ml / Double
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    Rhinowares Rhino Coffee Gear Shot Glass - 80 ml / Double

    Rhino Coffee Gear has answered the call for a double-spouted shot glass that combines durability and functionality. This 80ml (3 ounce) handled shot glass is perfect for pulling double shots....
  • Rhinowares Rhino Coffee Gear Shot Glass - 60 ml / Single

    Rhino Coffee Gear does it again: perfect shots every time!  This 60ml (2 ounce) shot glass is much less likely to break or chip due to its heavy weight.  It...
  • Rhinowares Rhino Pitcher Rinser - 300mm
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    Rhinowares Rhino Pitcher Rinser - 300mm

    The Rhino Coffee Gear RHPR600-S has been designed to fit in the bench of cafes, restaurants, coffee bars, and juice bars. This vessel rinser features a new honeycomb drain tray...
  • Rhinowares Rhino Coffee Gear Digital Thermometer

    Easy to set and read digital thermometer for quick accurate measurement of textured milk and other beverages. An audible alarm beeps when the desired temperature you set has been reached....
  • Rhinowares Rhino Pitcher Rinser - 600mm
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    Rhinowares Rhino Pitcher Rinser - 600mm

    The Rhino Coffee Gear RHPR600-S has been designed to fit in the bench of cafes, restaurants, coffee bars, and juice bars. This vessel rinser features a new honeycomb drain tray...
  • Rhinowares Rhino Square Knock Chute
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    Rhinowares Rhino Square Knock Chute

    The Rhinowares Square Knock Chute is a neat and stylish commercial knock chute that is perfect for cafes, restaurants and office applications. This professional high quality in-bench chute is made...
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